Pavel Durov, founder of the messaging service Telegram, was detained in France this weekend as part of a broad investigation. French authorities arrested Durov at Le Bourget airport near Paris on allegations connected to various illicit activities allegedly facilitated by the platform, including child pornography, drug trafficking, and fraudulent transactions.
President Emmanuel Macron addressed the arrest via a post on X, emphasizing that the detention was judicially motivated and unrelated to political factors. He reaffirmed France's commitment to lawful free expression.
According to Paris prosecutor Laure Beccuau, the investigation leading to Durov's arrest began on July 8, focusing on crimes linked to the operation of an online service that purportedly enables illegal dealings. Additional charges include refusal to share data with authorities, money laundering, and providing encryption services to criminals.
Currently, Durov may be held in custody until Wednesday pending further investigation. Attempts to contact his legal representatives have been unsuccessful.
Telegram, known for its encryption and privacy features, boasts nearly a billion users worldwide and holds significant influence in regions including Russia and Ukraine. Durov holds citizenship in both France and the United Arab Emirates. The UAE has reportedly requested that France ensure Durov receives necessary consular services swiftly.
This incident has sparked a response from Elon Musk, who criticized the arrest as an attack on free speech in Europe, and from Russian officials who urged French authorities to respect Durov's rights amidst rising tensions between France and Russia, particularly concerning the ongoing conflict in Ukraine.