Apple has announced a launch event for its upcoming iPhone 16 series, scheduled for September 9. The event, which will take place at the Steve Jobs Theater in Apple Park, was confirmed following media invites distributed on Monday. This year’s event, under the banner "It’s Glowtime," is generating buzz with several anticipated announcements.
The iPhone 16 lineup is expected to debut with notable enhancements, including expanded screen sizes for the Pro models and a new dedicated photography button designed to simplify shooting in landscape mode. This 'Action Button,' previously exclusive to the iPhone 15 Pro, will now feature across the entire iPhone 16 range.
In addition to the iPhone updates, the event is likely to showcase the Apple Watch Series 10, rumored to feature a larger display and an upgraded chip for enhanced performance. New iterations of AirPods are also expected to be part of the reveal.
Apple is set to enhance its product offerings with integrated AI capabilities, known as Apple Intelligence, which were previewed earlier this year. The event is also anticipated to set the stage for the release of major software updates including iOS 18, iPadOS 18, macOS Sequoia, and watchOS 11, which are expected to roll out shortly after the announcements.