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AltStore Revolutionizes App Distribution in the EU on iPhone

Following the rollout of iOS 17.4, Apple introduced support for alternative app marketplaces in the European Union, ushering in a new era of app distribution. Riley Testut, the developer behind GBA4iOS, is spearheading AltStore, offering a fresh platform for app installation. AltStore adopts a Patreon-based monetization model, bypassing traditional revenue streams like paid apps or ads.

Users interested in accessing AltStore's initial offerings must subscribe via Patreon, pledging between $1 to $3 monthly. Testut's emulator, Delta, will debut for free, while the clipboard manager Clip requires a $1 pledge. Beta versions of Delta and Clip will later transition to a $3 subscription fee.

Patreon facilitates subscription-based pricing, circumventing Apple's hefty cut of 15 to 30 percent. While Patreon incurs lower fees, surpassing one million annual installs triggers Apple's Core Technology Fee (CTF), set at 0.50 euros per additional install. Despite the risk, Apple is exploring solutions to mitigate the financial burden on viral free apps.

AltStore's imminent launch marks a milestone, inviting other developers to join the ecosystem. Developers can opt for Patreon or explore alternative monetization avenues. Patreon offers added perks like reward tiers and exclusive content, with the flexibility to cap subscriber numbers to evade Apple's CTF.

Testut aims to unveil AltStore pending final approval from Apple, with access limited to the European Union. However, alternative app installation remains exclusive to iPhones and select European countries. Notably, these changes don't extend beyond the EU.

Meanwhile, the European Commission (EC) initiated a probe into Apple's compliance with the Digital Markets Act, assessing the adequacy of its recent updates. Apple faces potential amendments to its rules or alterations to the Core Technology Fee, pending the EC's verdict on the matter.

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